Are You Mad at Me?

A group coaching program where women learn to stop overthinking and start living boldly.

You tried it once. You said no to someone and were pretty sure they hated you for it. At the very least they were disappointed. Then you spent the next 4 days obsessively worrying.

Sound familiar?

Women who have spent one too many nights agonizing over something they did or said.

Women who are tired of feeling bad about putting themselves first.

Women who are fed up with the narrative that women must prioritize others.

A recovering people pleaser woman holds her hands over her face.

Over the course of six weeks, we will meet virtually once a week to learn how to stop putting everyone else's needs above our own.

Are You Mad at Me? is a 6-week, online, group coaching program for the recovering people pleaser

To stop being a people pleaser, you’ll learn:

  • What people-pleasing is and why we do it.

  • Setting boundaries and why it’s so hard.

  • Personal and societal views on self-care.

  • How to say no confidently without the obsessive worry that people don't like you.

  • Getting comfortable "inconveniencing" others.

  • How to be confident without feeling like a bitch.

You will have access to course materials and the support of the peers in your cohort.

I will assign weekly homework to help you make the most of your program.

A stressed woman grabs her hair with her hand. She's wondering, "How do I stop overthinking?"

Stop being a people pleaser and take back control of your life.

Maybe this is new. Maybe you feel like you’ve lost sight of who you are amidst the demands of others.

Maybe you never had boundaries at all and you've spent a lifetime ignoring your own needs.

Regardless of your path, I am here to help you start setting boundaries once and for all.

Lavender, bath bombs, and a candle on a marble counter. When you're a recovering people pleaser, putting yourself first is important.

“Putting myself first” is not selfish!

The phrase "self care" is thrown around a bunch these days. Most people picture face masks and bubble baths and kinda dismiss the whole concept as being silly and indulgent.

“Putting myself first” is important for the recovering people pleaser

What if it's about taking the best possible care of the person who does so much for so many? What if it is a crucial piece of the puzzle that is your life? What if it is an essential ingredient needed for the very life you are trying to create?

"Self care is not selfish." You've heard that phrase and scoffed, "Of course it is!” You've thought, "People are depending on me! I can’t just take time to do nothing!”

Yes, of course it's important to keep up with your responsibilities. But perhaps the pendulum has swung so far in that direction that somewhere along the way you stopped taking care of yourself. That is,  if you ever even started...

A woman with red hair standing outside wonders how to be self-confident.

How to be stop overthinking?

I have the answers! First, let’s reclaim the word “selfish.” It has a negative connotation and has led generations of women to view taking care of themselves as greedy. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Changing your internal narrative can result in tremendous improvements in so many areas of your life, especially in how you see yourself and the way you show up in the world. It’s like Dorothy and the ruby slippers—you’ve had the power all along. In the Are You Mad at Me? program, I will help you harness it.

Dear recovering people pleaser, you can do a lot, but you can’t do it all.

What if you were able to really prioritize what actually NEEDED to be done and you were able to let some shit go?

Would taking care of yourself get moved closer to the top of the list?

Oh, taking care of yourself wasn’t even ON the list?? Well my dear, you are in the right place!

  • This is a program for women who are ready to take care of themselves in the same beautiful way they take care of the people they love.

  • It’s for women who are “people pleasers” (hint, that isn’t a good thing) and who put the needs of others above their own.

  • You will learn to say NO without obsessively worrying that people are mad at you.

That shit stops here!

A stressed woman sits at her computer. She may be a recovering people pleaser.

I’ll Teach You to Say “No” Without Guilt, how to avoid overthinking and how to feel confident!

What if you could clearly and directly say no (or at least not say yes right away)?

What if you could be intentional with where you put your time and your energy?

In the Are You Mad at Me? program, I’ll teach you to identify your needs, set healthy boundaries, and assert them without feeling guilty.

Meet Your Coach, Alyse Freda-Colon

Alyse Freda-Colon smiles. She can help you as a recovering people pleaser

I am a therapist turned coach and I created this program because I have seen women fail to prioritize their own needs time and time again, leaving them feeling overworked, underappreciated, and resentful. My goal is to bring this transformative work to women all over the world. I want you to stop thinking of self-care as selfish and begin to regard it as essential and sacred. I would love for you to join us!


The cost of this six-week program is $497.

For your investment, you’ll receive:

  • Six hour-long intensives led by Coach Alyse.

  • Ongoing assignments to ensure you are growing through the process.

  • Personalized asynchronous support from Coach Alyse between meetings.

A tired mom slumped over a computer, she may wonder how to avoid overthinking.

Stop being a people pleaser! You do not live to please others.

We know the narrative that women need to be quiet, agreeable, and nice is ridiculous.

Yet, when life become stressful and we fail to set clear boundaries, we often slip into the trap of centering the needs of others above our own wellbeing.

It’s learned behavior reflecting an outdated narrative, and it has to stop.

Together, we will challenge the idea that being a woman means being eternally pleasant and available.

I’ll help you understand that sometimes honoring yourself means letting others down and, you know what, that’s just fine. I promise.

Learn to avoid over thinking. I’ll help you be OK with the notion that there are some people who might be disappointed in you or (gasp) not like you!

Have you ever met a recovering people pleaser who has clear boundaries and thought:

“Damn, I wish I could do that!"

Well, my dear, you can!

In Are You Mad at Me?, I’ll teach you to be clear, direct, and to say no without a tinge of guilt. Say goodbye to “wishy-washy,” and get ready to step into your confidence!

A woman wears sunglasses, a towel in her hair, and a sheet face mask. She thinks she's "putting myself first."

A woman works on her computer. She wants to stop being a people pleaser

Stop being a people pleaser! Take the first step.

Client Testimonials