A playlist for getting dumped in your 40s
Alyse Freda-Colon loves music, music trivia, finding the perfect song to capture your current situation and as if that wasn’t enough, she is also a kick ass therapist and coach. In this blog she has carefully created the perfect playlist for getting dumped in your 40s. Grab your tissues, your ice cream, a spoon and settle in.
How to trust your gut when it comes to dating
Therapist and Coach Alyse Freda-Colon will teach you how to trust your gut when it comes to dating. Start small, weed out fear, and get specific!
Will I ever get a boyfriend?!
Are you wondering, “Will I ever get a boyfriend?” Therapist and Coach Alyse Freda-Colon’s answer is, “Probably!” but, she wants you to know that it’s OK to be single in the meantime. Let’s get to the root of your fears and ensure that you’re ready for Mr. Right when he comes along.
Should I settle for…?
Are you starting a new relationship and realizing that the guy you’re dating isn’t perfect and wondering, “Should I settle for… (fill in the blank)?” If so, this blog post is made for you!
Why is Online Dating So Hard?
You hear it all the time-dating sucks!!!! While it can be challenging and frustrating, what if you’re doing it wrong? If dating feels sooooo hard-–maybe even impossible—it might be because you’re making some easily-avoidable mistakes.